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Sajten (56)
- FRANSAR & BRYN | Mika Marin Sthlm
Lahslift, browlift, färgning och plockning av ögonbryn hos mika marin sthlm ÖGON ÖGONBRYN LASHLIFT BROWLIFT FÄRGNING Att plocka brynen kan upplevas smärtsamt och ett bra resultat tar tid. Därför ska du komma till oss för ögonbrynsvaxning istället. Ett par smärtfria ryck och allt oönskat hår inklusive störande fjun är borta. Vi har öga för detta så formen blir du garanterat nöjd med. Och det hela är klart på max 10 minuter. Vi använder Perron Rigots berömda vegan ögonbrynsvax som standard. Ögonbrynsvax 10 min 195 kr Färgning som tillval 10 min 100 kr BOKA ÖGONBRYNSFORMNING MED VAX Har du bångstyriga bryn så hjälper browlift till att få stråna att ligga sådär snyggt välkammade hela dagen. Genom en permanent på brynen kan kan man alltså få brynen att ligga som man vill. En browlift håller 5-10 veckor. En keratinbehandling som ingår alltid hos oss stärker brynen och gör dem vackrare. Browlift 495 kr Browlift & Lashlift 795 kr Färgning som tillval 100 kr BOKA BROWLIFT Lashlift är en permanent fransböjning som ger dina fransar en vacker och naturlig böj som håller ca en månad. Med lashlift slipper du ögonfransböjaren som lätt kan skada dina fransar. En keratinbehandling som ingår alltid hos oss stärker fransarna och gör dem vackrare. Lashlift 695 kr Browlift & Lashlift 795 kr Färgning som tillval 100 kr BOKA LASHLIFT Med permanent färgning av fransar och/eller bryn slipper du ögonbrynspennan och mascaran varje morgon och har alltid inramade och definierade ögon med ett djupt blick. I och med vi tappar 5-6 fransar och bryn dagligen, håller en permanent färg upp till en månad. Färgning av fransar 200 kr Färgning av bryn 200 kr Färgning av båda 350 kr BOKA PERMANENT FÄRG It's in your eyes... Ge dina ögon all uppmärksamhet och boka vår all inclusive. Då får du: - Faormning av ögonbryn - Lashlift & Browlift - Färgning av både fransar och bryn All inclusive 995 kr Näshårvaxning som tillägg 150 kr BOKA EYES ALL INCLUSIVE Lyxig Fotmassage - Läs mer här
- MIKA MARIN STHLM - Laser Vaxning Intimblekning Tandblekning Sundbyberg
Mika Marin Sthlm i Sundbyberg erbjuder permanent laser hårborttagning, vaxning, intimvaxning med bedövning, intimblekning, tandblekning, massage, kemisk peeling, make up, utbidlningar och mer. SHOW ALL SERVICES KVALITET TILL BRA PRIS Vårt ledord är resultatinriktad kvalitet och det vill vi erbjuda till överkomliga priser som alla har råd med. Med det menar vi att du alltid ska kunna se resultat efter en behandling hos oss utan att det kostar dig skjortan. Vi jobbar med Klarna så du kan även dela upp din betalning och betala i din egen takt. Här är några av våra behandlingar. Hårborttagning Permanent hårborttagning med laser Body och Face vaxning Intimvaxning med bedövning Cosmetic treatments Intimate bleaching - Leading in Scandinavia with our own brand INTIMATE Teeth whitening with plasma laser - With the quality Keep Smiling whitening Anti aging and advanced skin care Chemical peeling with over 30 peelings to choose from depending on what you want to achieve Hydradermabrasion - Perhaps the very best facial treatment Ultrasonic Facials - Ultrasound for skin rejuvenation and treatment Cavitation - Resculpt yourself, for example remove your double chin Lipolases for weight loss and diet support RF Lifting - Skin rejuvenation / skin rejuvenation and tightening Nanolight therapy - Skin-improving and rejuvenating light treatment Mesotherapy - Vitamin bomb with hyaluronic acid deep into the tissue Therapeutic treatments Massage and foot massage , feel free to use your wellness allowance Mechanical Chinese meridian balancing for increased well-being Lymphatic drainage - Emptying of fluid in the body, detox and weight loss Make-up and Wigs Sweden's only second hand for wigs and hairpieces Make up artist - Wedding, party, film, television, drag, cosplay and body painting Training Mika Marin Academy - Certifying courses in waxing, intimate whitening, teeth whitening and make up as well as Wigmaster training Make-up courses for groups and personal consultation BLOGG välkommen att läsa vår blogg. Educate yourself in intimate bleaching - FREE Mar 6, 2024 More blog posts We are currently three people working here. Together we speak 14 different languages. We are a safe environment for LGBTQI+ with solid competence to treat people in a gender-correcting process. Our premises have good accessibility without stairs. We want everyone to feel welcome and well looked after with us. Come as you are and leave as you want to be. MY STORY Mika Marin My name, who owns the salon, is Mika Marin. From the beginning I am a trained make up artist and masker. I have worked with make-up since I was 20 years old. I have worked in film and TV, theatre, fashion and show business - full time and alongside other jobs. I've always wanted to wax myself, but to be honest, I'm quite afraid of pain and think that waxing hurts like hell, especially in intimate areas. That's why I started experimenting with different anesthetics. Finally I found a way that really worked. When my friends found out about this, many of them also wanted to wax with me, which led to a small home salon. Word spread and other people started to get in touch. That's when I decided to invest wholeheartedly. I trained formally in the specialist area of male intimate waxing. I am still one of the few that offers all waxings for men as well. I noticed that since intimate waxing has become very common and people can now see what you have under the hair, many are ashamed of the darker tone they have in the abdomen. I had heard of intimate bleaching in the form of anal bleaching, but then mostly as a joke. But decided to find out everything about it and if possible become a specialist in it too. It took a lot of self-study before I found an education where I learned everything. Today, my salon is the largest and best in the country and I train others in both bleaching and waxing at the Mika Marin Intimate Academy. Over time, I have acquired skills in skin care, anti-aging treatments, massage and body sculpting. I offer all of this today at my salon in Sundbyberg. I run the salon together with two wonderful colleagues Susanne (nail artist) and Eva (foot care worker and masseuse). In 2020 I launched my own intimate care series INTIMATE, which today consists of five fantastic products. You can buy these at the salon or on my webshop. In the fall of 2021, it was time to advance again. I moved the salon to new fresh premises in Sundbyberg and trained myself in permanent hair removal with the market's best laser machine. At the same time, I changed the company name byMika to Mika Marin Stockholm. In 2022 I expanded the range somewhat unexpectedly, I opened Stockholm's only second hand wig shop in our premises. It was a perfect complement to the make-up services. In 2023 I took a certificate in body sculpting and bought one of the most effective lipolase machines, which immediately became a very popular treatment with us. Today we are a total of four people who work at the salon in Sundbyberg. A warm welcome to Mika Marin Sthlm.
- Laserpriser | Mika Marin Sthlm
Våra priser på laser tål att jämföras. Välkommen till permanent hårborttagning! Välj vilka laserpriser du vill se Åldersgräns 18 år eller 16 år med vårdnadshavarens närvaro vid första tillfället (på salongen, inte nödvändigtvis vid själva lasrandet). Därefter gäller ett skriftlig intyg. Vi har både kvinnlig och manlig personal. Om det är av betydelse att behandlaren är av ett visst kön, se till att du väljer rätt behandlare när du bokar din behandling. Om du inte gör ett val av behanlare väljer vårt system den som har bäst tillgänglighet vid tillfället. När du bokar fortsatta behandlingar (inte ditt första tillfälle hos oss) måste du även välja en tilläggstjänst som heter "Inte första behandling" för att få fram ett korrekt pris. Kommer du orakad till ditt besök, ska du välja en tilläggstjänst som heter "Rakning inför en laserbehandling".
Blog Posts (1)
- Educate yourself in intimate bleaching - FREE
In the run-up to spring, the demand for intimate bleaching always increases. As the leading player in the Nordic market for intimate bleaching, we also clearly see that intimate bleaching is the most trending treatment right now. The demand is greater than the supply. Therefore, with a salon, you should expand your range of services with just intimate bleaching. Right now you can train completely free of charge at Mika Marin Intimate Academy. Mika Marin Intimate Academy's basic training gives you everything you need to carry out a safe treatment with a chemical method. As a certified therapist, you can shop in our professional shop and have access to marketing material through our website. In other words, you can attend the training at your own pace, where you are without having to travel to us in person. In other words, you can be up and running already in a week or take it easy and start in a month if you want. You decide the pace as the education is interactive and you study at your own speed. The training consists of four recorded lessons with the leading expert Mika Marin and a study book of approx. 40 pages. The entire training is free. You of course need material for the bleaching itself, and you buy that from us at an extra favorable starting price. The starter package is so low priced that you make a substantial profit already on the starter package. The training makes you a certified therapist in intimate bleaching. You get a diploma for that after passing a test. Read more about the training here and sign up for the training already today, so you can offer intimate bleaching already this spring.