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Painless intimate waxing

As the only salon in Sweden, we offer you with a low pain threshold local anesthesia (spray) for intimate waxing. We are known for Brazilian wax  (also called Hollywood waxing) and are specialist trained in Manzilianmale intimate waxing. Of course we do all kind of waxing including tattoo waxing both before tattooing and to maintain a nice color.


Kosmetiska behandlingar

  • Intimblekning - Ledande i Skandinavien med vårt eget märke INTIMATE

  • Tandblekning med plasmalaser - Med kvalitetsblekningen Keep Smiling

Anti ageing och avancerad hudvård

  • Kemisk peeling med över 30 peelingar att välja beroende vad du vill uppnå

  • Hydradermabrasion - Kanske den allra bästa ansiktsbehandlingen

  • Ultrasonic Facials - Ultraljud för hudföryngring och behandling

  • Cavitation - Skulptera om dig, ta exempelvis bort din dubbelhaka

  • Lipolaser för viktminskning och diet stöd

  • RF Lifting - Skin rejuvenation / hudföryngring och åtstramning

  • Nanoljusterapi - Hudförbättrande och föryngrande ljusbehandling

  • Mesoterapi - Vitaminbomb med hyaluronsyra djupt in i vävnaden

Terapeutiska behandlingar

  • Massage och fotmassage, använd gärna ditt friskvårdsbidrag

  • Maskinell kinesisk meridianbalansering för ökat välbefinnande

  • Lymfdränage - Tömning av vätska i kroppen, detox och viktminskning

Make up och Wigs


Vi är just nu tre personer som arbetar här. Tillsammans talar vi 14 olika språk.

Vi är en trygg miljö för HBTQI+ med en gedigen kompetens att behandla personer i en könskorrigerande process. Våra lokaler har en god tillgänglighet utan trappor. Vi vill att alla ska känna sig välkomna och väl omhändertagna hos oss.

Kom som du är och gå som du vill vara.

Återuppta din laserbehandling
Black and Red Modern Rugby Final Score Instagram Post.jpg
webshop produkter
Mika Marin
Mika Marin

My name, who owns the salon, is Mika Marin. From the beginning I am a trained make up artist and masker. I have worked with make-up since I was 20 years old. I have worked in film and TV, theatre, fashion and show business - full time and alongside other jobs.

Minilift med RF erbjudande

I've always wanted to wax myself, but to be honest, I'm quite afraid of pain and think that waxing hurts like hell, especially in intimate areas. That's why I started experimenting with different anesthetics. Finally I found a way that really worked. When my friends found out about this, many of them also wanted to wax with me, which led to a small home salon.

Word spread and other people started to get in touch. That's when I decided to invest wholeheartedly. I trained formally in the specialist area of male intimate waxing. I am still one of the few that offers all waxings for men as well.

I noticed that since intimate waxing has become very common and people can now see what you have under the hair, many are ashamed of the darker tone they have in the abdomen. I had heard of intimate bleaching in the form of anal bleaching, but then mostly as a joke. But decided to find out everything about it and if possible become a specialist in it too. It took a lot of self-study before I found an education where I learned everything. Today, my salon is the largest and best in the country and I train others in both bleaching and waxing at the Mika Marin Intimate Academy.

Over time, I have acquired skills in skin care, anti-aging treatments, massage and body sculpting. I offer all of this today at my salon in Sundbyberg. I run the salon together with two wonderful colleagues Susanne (nail artist) and Eva (foot care worker and masseuse).

​In 2020 I launched my own intimate care series INTIMATE, which today consists of five fantastic products. You can buy these at the salon or on my webshop.

In the fall of 2021, it was time to advance again. I moved the salon to new fresh premises in Sundbyberg and trained myself in permanent hair removal with the market's best laser machine. At the same time, I changed the company name byMika to Mika Marin Stockholm.


In 2022 I expanded the range somewhat unexpectedly, I opened Stockholm's only second hand wig shop in our premises. It was a perfect complement to the make-up services. In 2023 I took a certificate in body sculpting and bought one of the most effective lipolase machines, which immediately became a very popular treatment with us. Today we are a total of four people who work at the salon in Sundbyberg.

A warm welcome to Mika Marin Sthlm.

sweet cotton vaxning
signature mika marin
Dubai Lips Peeling
Keep Smiling Colour Corrector
Intimblekning Analblekning Mika Marin Sthlm Klinik
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