LED light therapy is a non-invasive treatment where, with the help of deep-acting LED light energy, the body's own natural cell renewal is started and thus the skin can be rejuvenated and repaired. It is a treatment that works against sun damage, rosacea, acne, eczema, psoriasis, wound healing and to reduce scars.
LED SPA LIGHT THERAPY is clinically proven effective against aging, acne, rosacea, inflammation and pigmentation. It weakens wrinkles and reduces lines, reduces the size of pores and boosts the skin's own collagen production, which leads to improved skin quality. Which effect you want to achieve is controlled by the choice of color and intensity.
The following therapies are offered:
REDlight (630 nanometers) tightens skin and reduces lines and pores. Brings skin cells closer together and thus reduces the "hang" caused by aging.
GREENlight (520 nanometers) reduces oil secretion and balances combination skin.
BLUElight (470 nanometers) is used to fade pigment spots and for even skin tone.
YELLOWlight (590 nanometers) reduces melanin formation and thus gives a lighter skin tone.
VIOLET light (670 nanometers) treats acne and rosacea and reduces visible scars caused by acne.
TURQUOISElight (510 nanometers) increases the skin's metabolism and is used to detox the skin.
WHITElight (610 nanometers) is used to deeply penetrate the skin and to introduce, for example, serum deeper into the tissue.
The console used treats the face. It is designed so that use does not interfere with viewing. You can watch normally throughout the treatment and use the time to, for example browse your phone. The treatment can be done sitting or lying down.
"I didn't think I saw any major results myself, but my colleagues I hadn't seen in months met me at the Christmas party and almost everyone asked what procedures I had done to make my skin look so healthy and youthful."_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-136bad5cf5b-31 cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Anna 59, customer, LED Spa Anti-Ageing
"After 20 times with the LED treatment, I could see that my adult acne had disappeared almost completely. It is a natural and completely painless way to improve the appearance. I intend to continue with this a few times a month."_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d__cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Victoria 33, customer, LED Spa Acne
"I did a few anti aging treatments while waxing - mostly to see what it was all about. Even though I only did this once a month I could see improvements in the quality of my skin." _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136de3b-136bad5cf58d_ 4-bb3b-136bad5cf58d__cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Kristina 42, customer, LED Spa Anti-Ageing
LED SPA LIGHT THERAPY alone can be effective against various skin problems, but is also an excellent complement to, for example, a facial treatment and various cleansing or deep-penetrating procedures.
For the best effect and results, we recommend that you do the treatment in a series of 5-30 treatments.
The more frequent the treatments, the more effective the treatment. Maximum number of treatments within a three-month period is 30.
Singletreatment (30 min)SEK 250
Series 5treatments (a 30 min)SEK 160/beh,(total 800)
Series 10treatments (a 30 min)SEK 130/beh. (total 1300)
Series 15treatments (a 30 min)SEK 115/beh.(tot. 1725)
Series 30treatments (a 30 min) SEK 99/beh.(tot 2970)
Series are paid in full at the first reading.
Cassandra Bankson is one of the world's most famous reviewers of cosmetic products and treatments. She is an independent influencer with solid knowledge.
You can find her "reviews" on both Youtube and Facebook.
Watch and listen in the video here what she has to say about LED Spa Nanolight Therapy.